Tereasa serves as the Senior Leader and co-founder of OnelifeOK. She has been a faithful servant of God all her life and lives out of a deep passion to live "one life" before Him that is full of integrity and honor. Tereasa carries the Father's heart of love that awakens His sons and daughters to the greatness He put inside of them and inspires them to fulfill their destiny. With an apostolic anointing and keen prophetic gift, Tereasa teaches God's Word out of powerful personal encounters that she has experienced with God. She devotedly pours out rich revelation coupled with practical ways to live out God's word, that brings transformation to the hungry hearts. She is a Spirit led church leader who empowers and equips the body of Christ to see that they are growing and maturing in their faith. With her most ardent desire to see people healed and whole, she hosts the presence of God's Holy Spirit and makes room for Him to encounter His people in powerful ways. Tereasa is the pioneer of a unique ministry/business program that she started over 23 years ago. She loves to train others to be entrepreneurs and business owners.
She is dedicated to counseling and mentoring with others to bring them into truth and freedom. She is a seasoned wise counselor with over 30 years of counseling experience and training and has committed her life to seeing that broken hearts are repaired, sick souls are healed, and that the mentally bound are set free! Tereasa's heart to faithfully love and serve the community around her has cast out a vision for other believers to take hold of. This vision is a calling God is making to an army of Love who will listen for His voice, and respond with a surrendered heart to see His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Pam is the co-founder and Senior Leader of OnelifeOK. Her ardent pursuit to have a deep-rooted relationship with God, and her longing for knowing Him intimately has cultivated within her a heart that carries His presence. Pam has apprehended a life full of power and authority through her desire to know God as the good Father as well as positioning herself in being His child. She has a strong teaching gift that flows from personal history she has experienced in God as the Good Father. Her affectionate love for God's Word burns as she passionately leads others into experiences with Him through the powerful Truth of His Word. She is the leader of the men's group where she teaches and trains men to be Sons of God as well as Fathers of spiritual and natural children. Pam is devoted in partnering with God to restore Kingdom sonship and re-connecting sons back into their rightful places with their Heavenly Father. Throughout business/ministry programs, Pam invests in developing young adult's skills in the workplace, as well as, in ministering God's love. She is a highly skilled trainer that causes those who learn from her to grow and excel at rapid rates! Pam provides unique opportunities for others to practice their training in safe learning environments that encourages them to get outside their comfort zone and go higher in their skill levels.
Pam is a devoted mentor and pours out Godly wisdom to encourage growth and maturity in those she counsels with. Pam is also drawn with an evangelistic gift that motivates her to take the power of God out into the world, and to see Him invade people's lives with the reality of His love. She takes out teams of people and shadows them to help train them in outreach ministries where they learn to release God's healing presence. She equips the church body with high faith to believe God for greater things! Pam passes along a beautiful Heaven on Earth vision to those who are also passionate about loving a city and making Jesus its King.
Sara is the Senior Leader at Onelife. Sara carries a prophetic mantle that activates the church to also see and hear from God. As God's mouthpiece, her sharp sensitivity to the Holy Spirit blesses the church body to experience powerful love encounters with God as she speaks His Words. Sara leads the women's group for Onelife where she invests in teaching women how to hear God's voice and how to connect with Him on deeper personal levels. She is a deep spiritual well of intimacy that others can draw from and be refreshed. Sara's passion to see the church body mobilized and moving out to share God's love inspires others to pursue hearing from Him and sharing His love with the world around them. She is constant in her personal pursuit to see the greater things done that Jesus said believers would do in His name. His great commission is her life's mission to bring Heaven on Earth in her everyday life. Sara is a mover and a shaker as she exhorts others to press into seeing God move in mighty ways! She possess powerful life experiences and testimonies, that brings much hope and encouragement to those she ministers to. Sara also serves as an overseer in the Onelife mentorship program where she trains, and develops others into maturity and discipleship. Gifted with wisdom and Godly insight, Sara functions as a compass to give direction and guidance as she counsels in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Sara carries a mother's heart for a generation of believers who desire to be trained, and guided into their purpose. Her devoted love for Jesus makes big splashes onto those who thirst for the "greater things" of God, as she dives into His heart- teaching others to do the same.
Sara Schutte is a young lady who is sold out to God. She is incredibly passionate about her relationship with Him and it translates in her love for people. She has always loved music and how it relates to communicating your passion to a Great Big God. She is a young lady with a pure heart and deep devotion to discovering God through worship, His word, intercession and the prophetic. Sara has a very high spiritual IQ and a sweet sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Sara is a co-leader in the teenage OY (Onelife Younglife) class where she trains girls to love themselves as God's masterpieces, to have emotional stability, discover their spiritual gifts and purposes, and how to be young women of purity. Sara helps oversee and teach mentors for those at Onelife who desire accountability, healing and the safety of learning how to make life decisions the Kingdom way. Sara leads the worship team into worshipping from a lifestyle of love and poured out devotion, over the One who rescues and saves. As one who has been saved and restored, this fuels her passionate heart.
Sydney serves as the Associate Leader for OnelifeOK. She carries a powerful anointing in worship and dance to release God's presence over the church body and draws them into greater encounters with His love. Her worshiper's heart inspires and compels those around her to step deeper into intimacy with God in their worship and everyday life. Sydney has experienced great levels of breakthrough and freedom that has brought amazing transformation in her life. Her child-like faith and willing heart to obey God has positioned her to give others hope and encouragement for Him to do the same in their lives. Sydney also team teaches in Onelife internship classes and shares personal revelation and experiences she's gained in walking closely with God as her loving Father. He has given Sydney a big heart to love and dream with! Her devotion to serving God's vision at Onelife has empowered her to help bring others into serving His vision. She is the co-leader of the Onelife Younglife youth group where she teaches young ladies how to connect with God and to navigate through life while keeping their purity. She is a guardian of hearts and and protects the church by maintaining a Godly standard, inwardly and outwardly. Sydney provides wise counsel beyond her years and is a faithful mentor. She dedicates her time IN ministry to helping other young adults enter their God purposes while giving practical advice that produces growth and maturity in their walks with God. Sydney's contagious joy and love for life is her strength that enables her to bring her Father glory and display the powerful love of Jesus in her everyday life!