“People misinterpret God and then base decisions on what He is doing on the earth by their misinterpretation of Him.“
who we are
We are sons and daughters of God who have been awakened to our identities and purposes. We are a church family built on the apostolic and prophetic foundation described in Ephesians 2:20. Here, we are building a culture of people who honor God and love others well in keeping with the church modeled in Acts 4.
Acts 4:31-32 Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness. 32 All the believers were one in mind and heart. Selfishness was not a part of their community, for they shared everything they had with one another.
We have a place for you and believe you have a destiny to fulfill. We are a training center for leaders, with a mission to partner with you to unlock your God-design and God-given assignment. Come and discover The Father’s heart over you and His dream for your life. We are many things, always learning, always growing. We believe there is no limit to what God can do through a heart that loves Him well.
what we believe
We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit living and active on the earth today, displayed through us, His chosen Bride. We believe through Jesus our salvation and healing begins, opening the door to the “more” we are to be awakened to. We believe the Holy Spirit is the animation of our lives and wants to flow through us into the world around us. We believe in a Good Good Father and seek to know and ONLY do what we see the Father doing. We believe God has placed us here to live an abundant life, fulfilling a specific, pre-designed destiny. We are His workmanship on display! We are His billboard! (Ephesians 2:10)
We believe 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (TPT) 16 Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. 17 Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.
what we do
We cultivate an environment where we provide an Experience with God’s Kingdom, and Encounter with God’s Presence and help open people’s eyes to Envision their lives through the eyes of their Creator!
Experience: Love, Community, Hope
Encounter: The Presence of Papa God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; healing for your body, soul and spirit; revelation that brings renewal, clarity and transformation.
Envision: a new life in your relationship, personal growth and success; your purpose, your identity and more.